Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
What is AAC?
AAC stands for Alternative and Augmentative Communication. AAC supports people to use methods in addition to or instead of speech to communicate. They may use sign language, body movements or gestures, and options with picture symbols such as communication books, computers or tablets.
Communication is a fundamental human right. The purpose of AAC is to provide the person with a form of communication so that they can:
Express their needs and wants
Participate in making their own life choices and expressing their opinions
Make and maintain relationships.
Make connections with others at school, in the workplace and in the community.
The Kids+ team hold advanced knowledge, skills, and resources for supporting Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC).
We have created a suite of programs, AAConnect, to support all users of AAC and their families.
Our team can explore the multiple ways that your child uses to communicate and can provide additional strategies, tools, and equipment to expand and enhance their communication and interaction with others.
We all want to achieve greatness within ourselves, make a difference in our communities, and leave a legacy.
But, what if the person in the job cannot communicate verbally to their colleagues? That’s when AAC comes in.