Children's Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy at Kids+
Physiotherapists at Kids+ specialise in working with children from birth, during childhood and adolescence with the aim to improving mobility, physical activity, and well-being.
We believe that every child benefits from physical activity and that it supports a range of other areas of everyday life. Our team of physiotherapists are trained in child development and advanced movement analysis to support identification of limitations or restrictions related your child's goals. Programs are tailored to develop movement control and co-ordination and may include direct skills training, home activities and assistive technology or adaptations if required.
The aim of physiotherapy intervention is to make movement easier to:
increase independence with everyday activities and routines,
gain mobility (standing, walking, wheeled or powered mobility) for moving around your environment at home and in the community
develop more advanced motor skills for participation in physical activity and games for fun and recreation
facilitate participation in sport
reduce fatigue and injury
and improve health and fitness.
Physiotherapists can support participation in community and school physical activity by working alongside sport coaches, teachers, and clubs to enable your child’s involvement and active participation. If required, programs can be adapted, or equipment modified to meet your child’s individual needs.
Babies and Infants are learning new motor skills and we will work with you to support your baby’s early development. This may include areas like rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. Physiotherapists can also advise on the best way to carry, move or transfer your child safely to reduce injury to yourself or your child.
What our families say
“The Kids+ team have been instrumental in helping my son to achieve his goals.”
Meet the Kids+ Physiotherapists
Sara West
Team Leader & Physiotherapist
Shanelle Biskup
Louise Daniels
Regi Dutli
Isobel Walker