Support Coordination
Support Coordination at Kids+
Support coordination works creatively and resourcefully with families in how they utilise their support budgets to achieve their child’s goals, enabling participants to:
maximise the value for money your child receives from their supports
genuinely exercise their choice and control
implement their plan
build a family’s own capacity to manage/direct their child’s supports
connect families to community and alternative support options
coordinate multiple supports and services
strengthen informal support networks
be better able to use the NDIS Participant Portal myplace
Kids+ Support Coordination is unique in that it sits within the therapy team, working alongside your child’s therapy team. Support Coordination works collaboratively with your child’s Key Worker to ensure all are on the same page in supporting your family to reach your child’s goals. Ease of communication reduces family stress with many of our family’s telling us that they much prefer having therapy and Support Coordination services under one roof, reducing the need to repeat themselves to another external service. Co-location naturally increases communication between your Support Coordinator, therapy team and your family, improving outcomes during the life your child’s NDIS Plan (can work together to quickly troubleshoot any issues) as well as at plan review stage when quality NDIS reports are collaboratively produced.
Support Coordination is offered to current Kids+ clients and their immediate family members. Kids+ Support Coordination is expanding and will be taking on new referrals in January 2020 with an experienced team of dedicated professionals that will compliment your current Kids+ supports. Speak to us now if you would like to know more.
What our families say
“Kids+ have played a massive part in making our NDIS funding work for us. Thank you!”
Meet the Kids+ Support Coordinators
Sally Jones
Support Coordinator
Alice Shaw
Support Coordinator
Catherine Somerset
Support Coordinator and Grants and Partnerships Manager