Kids+ Parent Infant Program
Kids+ Parent Infant Program
Designed for Premature Babies, Newborn Babies and Infants
The Kids+ Parent Infant Program (PIP) team are an experienced group of paediatric physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists and social workers with specialised training in supporting parents and infants when extra medical care is needed, specifically around the time of birth.
We know your infant’s early experiences hold important influence on their development. Our team will work with you to understand your infant’s individual needs from the very early months after you transition home all the way through to 2 years of age. During each check-in that we have with you, personalised information, knowledge and skills will be shared and practised.
Access to developmental and early intervention supports as early as possible has proven positive effects for learning and development, and the sooner these supports are implemented, the better the outcome for your infant and your family.
To enquire about accessing the Kids+ PIP please fill out the for below and we will be in touch.
*Trademark pending