Emma Moore receives the 'Donna Shaw Spirit of Kids+ Award' 2021
Kids+ is delighted to announce that the 2021 recipient of the Donna Shaw Spirit of Kids+ Award is Emma Moore. Emma and her family have been a coming to Kids+ since their son Albie was 4 months old – he is now 6.
AAC and the Importance of Modelling
When you start exploring the world of AAC especially as a kid, it can be overwhelming as there are so many options to choose from. Take time to try various devices and programs, don’t be in a rush to choose which one is right for you. It is a huge investment, a bit like buying a car. It has to fit your lifestyle and personal preferences.
AAC and Social Gatherings
Most of us love to socialise with people, especially family and friends. We love to go to parties, whether it be a wedding, school reunion or to celebrate a birthday. At a social gathering, there’s one common thing that everyone does, which is communication. Without that, there’s no meaning or purpose to the event. So, communication between people is an essential element.Some people will have one question: how does a non-verbal person share their thoughts and opinions when attending such an event?
The Power of Choice
Written by Bianca - mum of Tom
There’s a lot of power in the act of choosing.
I want to support Tom to keep choosing what he wants. I can see his personality and individuality and he’s growing up and changing. Infantilisation is treating a disabled person like a child. Tom is a child but he’s at thirteen it’s important that I’m giving him choices that are age appropriate. Since we’ve embraced choice Tom’s begun using a communication device. At first he used it to describe things, crunchy biscuits, shirt dirty or the weather cold. Now Tom’s communicating what he wants. Pack up now, go to the park in the car. Already Tom’s music recommendations on his device have changed. There’s been a shift from The Wiggles to songs from the Beastie Boys! Tom’s now starting to wear all black.
Choice is transformational!
AAC and Advocacy
One of the greatest things we do every day is communicate with one another to connect. It is an important and necessary part of life. Without the existence of communication between humans, I am not sure how the world would cope and I wonder if people would get along. Imagine if you couldn’t communicate verbally. How would you feel? This is the reality for many non-verbal people who have a voice inside but cannot output their message.
Changemakers 2021
Changemakers 2021 will explore current research, clinical reasoning and provide an opportunity to share successful models of practice.
Surf Coast Trek
The Surf Coast Trek is a 40km walk from Aireys Inlet to Torquay raising for the Kids Plus Foundation and the Give Where You Live Foundation.